Radio Kempe
Radio Kempe is here to connect you with the information you need to tackle current issues. Join us as we talk about difficult topics. Help us as we test assumptions to challenge traditional ways of thinking. Get curious, tune in, and join us on the journey to prevent child abuse and neglect every month of the year! Do you have a topic that you would like to hear from Radio Kempe? Email us at kempe.center@ucdenver.edu and let us know.
Radio Kempe
Research on Evidence-based Parenting Interventions: Where does equity show up?
In this podcast, we discuss a recent paper published by Dr. Suzanne Kerns and colleagues from the Kempe Center, Clayton State University and Kaiser. The paper is called “An Equity-Focused Assessment of Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention Research.” It was published in May, 2024 in the journal Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. The paper describes the extent to which the research studies that are included in assessment of the evidence for parenting programs include different components of equity-related best practices. We discuss the impetus for the study, main findings, and next steps.